Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sweet Picture

At bedtime tonight Porter and Marli wanted to give eachother a "Love," that means hug at our house, before bed. Marli will never smile for the camera, so I thought this was so sweet! They are both at such a fun age right now. I dont want either one to get any bigger.

Porter's Birthday!

Porter turned 4 on October 9th! We had a fun party at a place where I teach gymnastics, called "The Peak!" They let you rent out the playland, and the gymnastic room, which has trampolines, and a lot of fun things to climb, roll, and hang from! It was a lot of fun, thanks to all of you that came! He had such a good day!

Our 6 Year Anniversary

Sorry, I have a lot of catching up to do, October 4th was our 6th Anniversary...It seems like Ive known Todd my whole life, but these 6 years have gone by so fast. It kinda makes me sad! Anyway, Todd was in charge of the plans this year, we decided to switch years of who plans what we do, this was his year. So he took me to the Anniversary Inn. We stayed the night we got married, and have stayed there a few other times. This time the room theme was "Pirates Paradise!" Oh, and was it! I wont go into detail, I dont want to make all you girls jealous!!! No but seriously, it was a really cool room, the pictures arent great cause the room was dark. There is a journal in the room that people can write in when they stay...I decided I better read it after we had our fun in the room. It ended up that we knew 3 of the couple that had written in there....Gross!!!! We had a good time! Thanks Brynne for keeping our kids over night!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Yes I have giardia. I have been sicker than a dog for the past 4-5 days. Finally last night we went to an instacare because I was losing a lot of weight. So we go there and they hooked me up to an IV and I got to leave a poo sample, and today they called and said I tested positive for Giardia. This is the second time Ive had it in 4 years. Maybe I need to quit drinking out of streams or something! I am feeling much better today, and Im being treated. I have to thank my good old friend Tami for helping me out so much lately she has been a lifesaver. And Tyra for listening to me complain, oh yeah, my sisters too, but they always listen to me complain!It sounds like Im winning an Emmy award or something, and last but notleast...Todd, seriously, he has been so sweet. He has been such a good daddy, while I lay like a fat turd on the couch! He is so good to help!