Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Todd's parents, Kenny and Mary Ellen, made it home from their mission in Texas today! I had just taped the sign up and turned around and they drove right around the corner, PERFECT TIMING! We are so excited to have them home, living just a few blocks away! Im sure your all thinking, "wow, did she do the sign all by herself?" The answer is yes, spelling and all! After it had been up for 6 hours, everyone brought to my attention, that I still dont know how to spell my last name. Maybe next year I'll have it right, you would think after 7 years of spelling it day after day, I would get it right!!!! Anyhow, Welcome home Ken and Mary Ellen!!!!


Rich and Tyra said...

I am so loving it that you spelled the Bischoff name wrong!!! It gave me a good laugh anyway. Also, the weekend in Bear Lake looked like fun... I hope you had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! If I had not been so sleep deprived lately I would have made a post dedicated to you but sorry, I am a little sleepy lately! Hope you had a great day anyway!

Mama Mia said...

What a cute idea and it is the thought that counts! It took me about 3 months to learn how to spell BISCHOFF! What is with the C anyway!? Welcome home Ken and ME!

Brynne said...

way to go jade! that shirt you got looks so cute! i love it love it love it love it. ( who am I...those ladies at the park that one day?!)

Callee said...

Hey Jade I am still laughing about the name being spelled wrong. That is totally something I would do. I can't spell worth a darn. I loved your new capri's. So cute!!

Jess said...

That cracks me up Jade.....I guess it is the thought that counts!!! How's your Kirby (yes, I still want to kill you)!!

Tami said...

That is too funny. I guess when you go from Nelson to Bischoff it is a little more complicated. I hear you on that one!